April 13, 2020

Social Platforms Use by demographic group

Selling on social media, otherwise known as social selling, is when businesses choose to upload and sell their products on a social platform verses a website. Social selling is simply exploding in this moment of COVID-19 “stay home, stay healthy”. For the most part, posting products for sell on most social platforms via smartphone, tablet or computer is simple with little or no cost other than time. So, whilst your doors maybe closed, don’t miss out on opening and expanding your “e”-store to generate cash flow now and to future proof your business.
Social Media Selling Tidbit: 74% of consumers rely on social media for information for future purchases. Additionally, 43% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product after learning about it on social media. Marketing studies indicate business’ engaged in social selling are experiencing a $5 return for every $1 invested! Consider this, the more options (platforms/social channels) you offer to your total available customers, the more consumers you will attract.

What to Sell Online: In-Demand Products to Sell Right Now!

Selecting products that will appeal to your audience should be easy. Writing of audience…how well do you know them? Have you spent time pouring over sales data as well as their timing? Remember to take into consideration what inventory you have currently. Intimate knowledge these aspects will serve you well as you begin to select products and move forward with social selling.

Being a customer of Melrose International does have its perks. With each release of our catalogs (Home & Garden, Home & Holiday, and supplementals), Melrose identifies in demand, top sellers based on a myriad of factors. To reap the bounty from the work already done by Melrose, simply:

• Contact your Melrose Representative and request a list of the Top 25, 50, or 100 Selling products to begin using in your posts.
• Contact the Melrose Customer Service Team to request a report by calling 1-800-252-2144 or by emailing support@melroseintl.com.
• Reviewing the seasonal supplemental catalogs as they contain the Top Sellers. In addition, the catalog’s romantic product descriptions can be used as a jumping off point for creating your own unique, personalized narratives with your own flair and style. 

• Go to Melrose Images to pull lifestyle images for the list of products. Note that not all top sellers will have a lifestyle image.
• Go to melrose.solovue.com to search by product/item number to download silhouette images for the list of products.
• Review the Melrose Blog post on “Rule SoloVue Like A Boss”

And last but not least, remember that Melrose has an industry leading Dropship Program that you can choose to participate in. It provides you greater flexibility and a wider array of products and furniture for you to post and sell. All without requiring you to carry the inventory and its requisite warehouse space. Best of all the Dropship Program affords you to offers FREE Shipping option, No minimum order. Easy payment option and a host of other perks. So, check it out.